公司註冊處 Companies Registry  
招股章程、帳目、章程大綱、章程細則、章程大綱及章程細則、憲章、法規或同類文件的影像紀錄 An image record of prospectus, accounts, memorandum, articles, memorandum and articles, charter, statutes or the like $23
周年申報表或海外公司註冊申請表的影像紀錄 An image record of an Annual Return or a form for application for registration of an oversea company $18
其他文件的影像紀錄 An image record of any other document $10
查閱公司資料 (按每間公司計) Company Particulars Search, per company $22
查閱董事索引(以公司資料查閱) (按每間公司計) Directors Index Search (Company Based), per company $11
查閱董事索引(以董事資料查閱) (按每位董事計) Directors Index Search (Director Based), per director $22
查閱董事資料 (按每位董事計) Director Particulars Search, per director $11
查閱取消資格令資料 (按每名被取消資格的人計) Disqualification Order Particulars Search, per disqualified person $11
根據《公司條例》第305(1)條發出的證書 A certificate issued under section 305(1) of the Companies Ordinance $170
文件、報告、摘錄或列印本的核證費 (不包括文件、報告或列印本的費用) Certifying fee for a certified copy of or extract from a document, report or print out (excluding the fee for the document, report or print out) $130
土地註冊處 The Land Registry  
每索取一份印有某物業現時資料的電腦印製本 For a computer printout indicating current particulars of a property $10
每索取一份印有某物業過去及現時資料的電腦印製本 For a computer printout indicating historical and current particulars of a property $25
每索取整份文件,包括註冊摘要及連同夾附文件的放大影印本/影像本 For a hard/imaged copy of a whole document, per memorial and any instrument annexed. $100
每索取整份政府租契的影印本/放大影印本/影像本 For a photocopy/hard/imaged copy of a whole document, per Government Lease. $120
每索取註冊摘要、夾附於政府租契的完成規定事項證明書或集體政府租契的一頁的影印本/放大影印本/影像本 For a photocopy/hard/imaged copy of a memorial, a letter or letters of compliance attached to a Government Lease or a page of Block Government Lease. $10
每索取夾附於註冊摘要或政府租契的圖則副本/放大影印本/影像本 For a photocopy/hard/imaged copy of plan(s) attached to a memorial or Government Lease. $15
每索取其他圖則的每幅副本 For a photocopy of other plans, per plan. $15
物業的註冊資料卡副本/放大影印本 A photocopy/hard copy of the register card(s) of a property. $30
在圖則副本上著色或標示顏色的附加費用 Additional fee for colouring or indicating colours upon any plan. $150
核證為真實副本 Certifying as a true copy $150
每查閱一份政府租契、集體政府租契或圖則 For inspection of each Government Lease, Block Government Lease or plan. $10
每查閱一本註冊摘要日誌 For inspection of each Memorial Day Book. $150
業主立案法團  Owners' Corporations   
查閱登記冊或法團向土地註冊處處長提交的文件 For inspecting the register of corporations  and any document relating to a corporation required to be submitted to the Land Registrar $12
登記冊或文件的副本或摘要,每頁計(不足一頁作一頁計) Copy or extract of any register or document , per folio or part thereof $12
任何副本或摘要由土地註冊處處長核證 Certificate of the Land Registrar in relation to any copy or extract $36
運輸署 Transport Department  
車輛登記細節證明書 Certificate of Vehicle Particulars $45
破產管理署 Official Receiver's Office  
公眾人士向破產管理署署長申請翻查是否已有一項破產呈請針對某人或某商號而提出 Application by a member of the public to the Official Receiver for a search on whether a bankruptcy petition has been presented against a person or firm $85
公眾人士向破產管理署署長申請翻查是否已有一項清盤呈請針對某公司而提出 On an application by a member of the public to the Official Receiver for a search on whether a winding-up petition has been presented against a company $85
商業登記 Branch Registration  
商業登記冊內的資料的電子摘錄 Electronic Extract of Information on the Business Register $27
商業登記冊內該商號資料的摘錄的核證本 Certified Extract of Information on the Business Register $27
商業登記證 / 分行登記證核證副本 Certified Copy of Business / Branch Registration Certificate $27
商業登記證 / 分行登記證複本 Duplicate Business / Branch Registration Certificate $20